The information and materials on this website are provided for general information only. Any medical information is for informational purposes only and is not a replacement for advice given by a physician or other medical professionals. Advice should be sought from a health care professional upon specific questions regarding a medical condition. While the Registry makes reasonable efforts to ensure that the information and materials on this website are accurate, complete and up to date, it makes no representations or warranties (express or implied) as to the accuracy, reliability, completeness or currency of the information, content, software, tools or links provided on or through the use of the website, or on any website or websites linked to this website. This website and its content are provided "as is". You acknowledge and agree that you assume full responsibility for your use of this website. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the Registry expressly disclaims any liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or otherwise special damages, losses or injuries resulting from the use, inability to use or reliance on any of such information or materials. The Registry may make changes to the information and materials included on this website at any time, without notice.


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These Terms of Use are governed by the internal substantive laws of the State of Ohio without respect to its conflict of laws principles. Jurisdiction of any claims arising under these Terms of Use will lie exclusively with the state or federal courts within Ohio.


You can contact the Registry at the following address: 3333 Burnet Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45229. intohlh@cchmc.org.