What is the INTO-HLH Registry?

An electronic database designed to collect information about HLH and its treatments. Information is collected from participants' medical records and routine clinical care.

The Registry aims to advance what is known about HLH. The insights obtained from this Registry will help doctors to better manage HLH in the future.

Despite over 20 years of research, we do not know how effective HLH therapies are in real-world use, how often they fail or need to be adjusted, and what complications are seen in patients with HLH. For the most part, we only have the experience of expert physicians, but we need more data to make progress.

What are the objectives of the INTO-HLH Registry?

  • Understand more about how HLH progresses over time, including its symptoms and impact on patients' quality of life
  • Investigate how patients respond to treatments and what are the corresponding outcomes
  • Learn more about the long-term complications experienced by patients with HLH and the general well-being of patients and caregivers
The objectives of the INTO-HLH Registry include understanding more about how HLH progresses over time, including its symptoms and impact on patients' quality of life
The objectives of the INTO-HLH Registry include investigating how patients respond to treatments and what are the corresponding outcomes
The INTO-HLH Registry will collect data (also called "medical information") from the participants' medical records and their routine clinical care over a period of five years

What will taking part in the INTO-HLH Registry involve?

  • The INTO-HLH Registry will collect data (also called "medical information") from the participants' medical records and their routine clinical care over a period of five years
  • This information will include the progression of the condition, its symptoms and treatments, and the outcome of the treatment
  • The Registry will also collect information on how HLH impacts patients' daily life and long-term outcomes

Your or Your Loved One's Participation Could Make a Difference

By sharing your or your loved one's data, you will be contributing towards advancing what is known about HLH

Insights generated by the Registry may help to identify unmet needs in HLH and treatment outcomes for future patients

HLH Resources

Finding out that you or your loved one have HLH can be overwhelming. But, the good news is that you are not alone. These organizations can provide you with helpful information and support.

This patient guide and video provide you with helpful information with enrolling in the INTO-HLH Registry

User Guide

Autoinflammatory Alliance
Autoinflammatory Alliance

The Autoinflammatory Alliance is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit public charity dedicated to promoting awareness, proper diagnosis and treatment, and improved care for people with autoinflammatory diseases.

Visit their website

Eric's Journey Foundation logo

Eric's Journey Foundation was created by Amanda and her husband Eric, who was diagnosed with HLH and Still's disease shortly after their marriage. Their organization is dedicated to raising awareness about HLH and other histiocytic disorders and supporting patients, families, and friends dealing with these diseases.

You can visit their website or Facebook page to learn more about the charity events they host and read about Eric's journey on his blog.

Visit their website

Histiocytosis Association
Histiocytosis Association

The Histiocytosis Association provides helpful information to patients and families dealing with primary HLH. It offers podcasts, webinars, videos, and more to help explain the condition. The association can also help connect patients with doctors who have experience treating primary HLH.

Visit their website

Histiocytosis Association of Canada
Histiocytosis Association of Canada

The Histiocytosis Association of Canada is dedicated to improving the lives of Canadians affected by histiocytosis. We are focused on public and professional education, patient and family support, and stimulation of support of research. We are an international group of parents, patients, physicians and friends in search of a cure. We work closely with an international group of physicians, known as the Histiocyte Society, who are dedicated to studying the histiocytoses. Through this partnership, more has been learned and better treatments have been discovered.

Visit their website

HLH Heroes Foundation logo

HLH Heroes Foundation is a new foundation created to provide support to individuals and families impacted by HLH. This organization was created by family members and caregivers of HLH warriors and angels to build a strong support network for those in need. You can learn more about HLH Heroes Foundation by visiting their Facebook page.

Visit their website

Liam's Lighthouse Foundation logo

Liam's Lighthouse Foundation (LLF) was founded in memory of a 1-year-old boy who lost his life to HLH. His mother launched the foundation to increase awareness of HLH and other similar conditions.

LLF hosts charity events to raise funds for research and education at medical centers. The LLF website provides an overview of HLH. It also links to information about stem cell donations, fundraising, and more.

Visit their website

Systemic JIA Foundation
Systemic JIA Foundation

A non-profit foundation devoted to advancing science and supporting patients with SJIA (Systemic Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis) and MAS (Macrophage Activation Syndrome). We support patients through education about latest scientific findings, new treatments and clinical trials. We advance research via seed grants to researchers. Recently we started a research network for the study of refractory SJIA patients which includes some of the top hospitals in the USA.

Visit their website


If you have any questions about the INTO-HLH Registry review our FAQ page. For any further questions, please contact a member of the IHRT team (Contact Us)

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